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It says i cant play the game because it wasnt updated to the latest macOS thing so could you fix the thanks.


Seriously though, amazing game. Keep it up!

Super Fun Game, reminds me of rocket league which I love. Also you should create a scoreboard and give the ability to shoot each other. Great job!

This game is still fun. Can't wait for Last Man Sitting!

Very interesting game!!!!!!!

Very entertaining game for sure!!!


Cool concept :)
You should probably change default controller configs so you spin with the joystick as opposed to rb and lb. Other than that i dont' have any complaints!

(1 edit)

This Game is freaking awesome i really enjoy please must watch this video. 

you will love it this game.

Click below for Gameplay 

This game was super fun but weird! Would be better with more people but even by myself I really enjoyed it!

Show post...


Have demo so I can make a video here for Brazil? 

Thank you for a great game!


I can't figure out how to add this to my clent during the giveaway. It just says "Buy now", with no "claim game" or similar feature.

Had to throw two bucks at you even though its free. Need to support this fun idea.

Is online multiplayer planned for when the full release is available on Steam?

J'ai adoré! En multijoueur sa doit être la folie. Thanks for the game!

The game is great! Just a worry bots make an egg anything. but I can not wait to see the final version with all the game mods (:

(1 edit) 

I too made a video

(2 edits)

We play this in our office everyday after lunch. Needless to say, we are receiving noise complaints because we are screaming our faces off at every goal. :D MAKE THIS AN ESPORT

Playing with 3 players sucks because the bot just randomly kills everyone. Would be cool to disable bots. Gun up/down not working for us. It gets stuck in up position for me.


This game is totally rad. Really original. I always love 3D physics.

thanks :)

Glad you enjoy/like it :)

If I buy the game here, will I get a copy for steam when it comes out?


please, read the text. Its the first point in the FAQ

So... do I get Last Man Sitting when I buy this? 
No, I wanted to give out this Game for a relative low price. So this is no pre-order!

Deleted 7 years ago
Deleted 7 years ago
Deleted 7 years ago

Well here, I played it alone at least. I'll likely get at least a 2-player game going tomorrow though. :) 

cool video :) you wanna glitch the game you said? little hint: press 1 during a match :D

I'm having trouble with the game. I don't have a full keyboard with numpad and thus I can only have Player 1 and Player 3 at any one time, but that's not my main issue.

My main issue is that when I start the game, all the players are controlled by AI and none of them respond to any of my keyboard input. How do I actually play the game?

hey, it seam that some people have this problem. Its more an ux issue then a bug.

So pleas R on your keyboard, then A or D to choose a side and the. Enter to start the match.

Usually people forget to choose a side and then start the game. Then of course all 4players are ai players :)

ok thanks yeah I didn't know I had to pick sides thanks!

Wasnt it a last one sitting?


Yes but I think this is a gamemode or something that will be in the game?? I don't know

sorry, i think i don't get the question :) what do you wanna know?

They're asking why this is not Last Man SITTING, I'll let you tell them why tho

I saw a post on imgur a while ago and the game was called "The last one sitting", it looks just like it, so i was very confused.

as written in the text on this page:

"Last Man Kicking IS NOT Last Man Sitting. After the reveal of this game a lot of people asked me if there is a Demo available but I always had to say "no" since I don't wanted to give out a half assed broken Demo version just to show something. So I took quite a lot of time to create this Mini Game called "Last Man Kicking" now and put a lot of love in every inch of this Game to give you a experience that is worth your money!"


Die 2$ "Demo" zum baldigem Party-Klassiker "Last Man Sitting". Ein Modus zum Austesten im Couch-CoOp, verspricht großes für das vollständige Spiel.

First Impression Video:


- ein (gepolishter) Spielmodus aus "Last Man Sitting" (Fußball)
- Couch-CoOp an der Tastatur oder mit Gamepads für bis zu 4 Spieler
- leicht erlernbar und hat (mit Freunden) großes Suchtpotential

- kein Online-Multiplayer
- sehr spartanisch im Umfang


The 2$ "Demo" for the upcoming partygame-classic "Last Man Sitting". One Gamemode to test in a couch-coop enviroment. Gives me a positive impression for the upcoming full game.

- one (polished) Mode (Soccer)
- Couch-CoOp on Keyboard or xBox-Gamepads for up to 4 players
- easy to learn and (with friends) a huge timesink

- no online-multiplayer
- very scarce contentwise

haha, geil! erster würde ich mal sagen :)

es spricht sich übrigens suhkärt aus XD

Na aber sowas von! ;-) Muss ja auch mal Klicks abgreifen, auf anderer Leute Spiele :-P

Ich hoffe das Video ist unterhaltsam/halbwegs Informativ geraten wenn auch sehr kurz.

Und Danke für die Nachhilfe in der Namens-Aussprache. Aber das NICHT auf Englisch auszusprechen ist echt eine Herausforderung. Aber das hörst du gaaaaaaanz bestimmt grad zum ersten Mal ^^"

cya, ich stalke dann mal weiter die Fortschritte auf Twitter!

PS: Ich hoffe danach gehts mit SKTBRD weiter bei dir!! Da wart ich ja auch drauf!