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I like how the models are from dude theft wars

The game is cool but if you pick up a prisoner you keep falling

I featured this in my video

why are the comments just ads for yt channels 

Loved it! Especially the physics! 

Fun game!!

This game is really fun to play and really wacky with its physics. I love these types of physics games and I can't wait to play more of your games. I did find a bug where you can fase though the walls near the cells when you go into bullet time but other than that, this game was fun to play. Keep up the good work and I hope to play more of your games.

Great game! very fun lol

Really fun game, little hard to control but that's kind of part of the fun. 

so much fun

All that chaos and weird physics makes this game fun as hell!

This was a fun game. The hits,trips and wrestles all made this extremely fun to play.  I agree with Dizzy below that more types of prisons are needed if you want to make the game into more and maybe even add different prisoners including maybe a kingpin prisoner with added strength thrown into the mix. Levels can then be created to keep people playing. All in all tho a very fun and smooth game with a great music track... :)

Le genre de jeu où tu met ton cerveau à off et  ou tu prend le temps d’apprecier des vols planés de prisonniers. Satisfaisant à souhait

i like the idea of the game! just a suggestion maybe add different types of prsions to make it more challening like heavey ones or lighter ones that are fast

Think this game was pretty hard. I tried several times to kick or, punch a prisoner with little or, no effect. I tried to grab them and, they would simply wrestle free especially if I got near the stairs. Every once in awhile the bomb would go off making it more difficult I think this was suppose to help the player but, not in my case.

this was fun

Deleted post

I thought this game was supposed to be free lol

Deleted 8 years ago
(1 edit)

alright buddy, iam gonna delete the previous video link again. All fine and thanks for playing it but i wanna give everyone the opportunity to show their videos. So please no doubble posts

Okay game

This is an awesome game! I love the chaos and how fun it is!


Awesome game :)


It's a hard game to master, but if you use the bullet time trick you can quickly stack up those prisoners into the jail cell.


I was very impressed by this game. Here's my game expirience and some other stuff was i found most interesting.

why not free


WHERE IS CO-OP?!?!?!?!?!




I had too much fun with this game! Really awesome to play! :) I made a Let's play video for those interested to see what the game is about or for those who want to watch a funny Let's play! :D


This game was a ton of fun!

Awesome to check out :)

Character Customization

Gonna wrestle down and throw in those prisoners back in! Some people may not like the wacky prisoners but I really liked it, it just takes a while to get the hang of it and know when to use the bullet time! A lot more people should play this game~

Adam does a great job catching those prisoners though!

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